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FreeSurfer is an open-source package for the analysis and visualization of structural, functional, and diffusion neuroimaging data from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.

FreeSurfer License

FreeSurfer requires a license registration key in order to be used. This can be obtained from here. Once downloaded, the file should be uploaded to your home directory on Bear. This can be done using "Files" tab on the BlueBEAR portal, or using file transfer software, such as WinSCP, or FileZilla.

Running recon-all

The recon-all command performs all, or any part of, the FreeSurfer cortical reconstruction process. The outputs of recon-all can be used to define the surfaces required for the boundary estimate model (BEM) required when performing source reconstruction on M/EEG data. The function can be run via BlueBEAR using the example script ( below:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --qos bbdefault
#SBATCH --time 1440
#SBATCH --ntasks 4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu 2

module purge
module load bear-apps/2019a/live
module load FreeSurfer/6.0.1-centos6_x86_64

export FS_LICENSE=${HOME}/license.txt
export SUBJECTS_DIR=/rds/projects/b/bagshaap-eeg-fmri-hmm/fs_outputs

recon-all -s sub-01 -i /rds/projects/b/bagshaap-eeg-fmri-hmm/T1_vol_v1_5.nii.gz \
-all \ 
-log logfile \ 
-all \
-parallel -openmp 4

This script can then be submitted using the following command:


Descriptions of the variables and arguments:

Variables / Arguments Description
FS_LICENSE Sets the path to the FreeSurfer license file.
SUBJECTS_DIR Sets the output directory for the analysis.
-s Sets the name of the output folder.
-i Specifies the full path to the T1-weighted MRI image.
-all Instructs FreeSurfer to run all processing steps.
-log Creates a log file named "logfile" upon completion of the processing.
-parallel Enables parallel processing in FreeSurfer.
-openmp Defines the number of CPU cores available for parallel processing.

For the above script to work for you, several of the variables and arguments need to be changed to match your filenames and directories. Specifically, the SUBJECT_DIR variable needs to be changed to the path where you want the outputs to be saved, the -s argument needs to be changed to the desired name of the output folder, and the -i argument needs to be changed to a path to your T1 file.

Running recon-all on Multiple Subjects

Alternatively, if you need to run recon-all for multiple subjects at once, for example, on an entire BIDS dataset, it is possible to submit all jobs using the below script (

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --qos bbdefault
#SBATCH --time 1440
#SBATCH --ntasks 4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu 2
#SBATCH --array=1-20 # 20 represents the total number of subjects

module purge
module load bear-apps/2019a/live
module load FreeSurfer/6.0.1-centos6_x86_64

export FS_LICENSE=${HOME}/license.txt
export SUBJECTS_DIR=/rds/projects/b/bagshaap-eeg-fmri-hmm/fs_outputs

subject_id_number=$(printf "%02d" ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID})

recon-all -s sub-${subject_id_number} \
-i /rds/projects/b/bagshaap-eeg-fmri-hmm/bids_dataset/sub-${}/anat/sub-${subject_id_number}_T1w.nii.gz  \
-all \ 
-log logfile \ 
-all \
-parallel -openmp 4

Running FreeSurfer in a Container

Running FreeSurfer within a container allows for greater control over the software versions and improves the reproducibility of the analysis. FreeSurfer containers are available on dockerhub, or can be created using NeuroDocker (see the Containers page for details on downloading containers). In the example below we assume a container named 'freesurfer.sif' has been downloaded:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --qos bbdefault
#SBATCH --time 1440
#SBATCH --ntasks 4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu 2


apptainer exec --env FS_LICENSE=${FS_LICENSE} --env SUBJECTS_DIR=${SUBJECTS_DIR} \
freesurfer.sif \
recon-all -s sub-01 -i /rds/projects/b/bagshaap-eeg-fmri-hmm/T1_vol_v1_5.nii.gz \
-log logfile \ 
-all \
-parallel -openmp 4