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Fieldtrip on Slurm


Example contributed by Ben Griffiths.*

This is an example script running a fieldtrip analysis on EEG data acqurired during a visual flicker task.

The data is read in, filtered, epoched, ICA'd, re-referenced, then plotted. The core function can be executed on the MatLab GUI App during an interactive session, or submitted to BlueEBAR using the bash script below.

Core processing script

The following code can be saved as basic_preprocessing.m.

%% Basic Preprocessing
% A script to demonstrate how one can (superficially) preprocessing EEG
% data using Fieldtrip, Matlab and BlueBEAR.
% Benjamin J. Griffiths (b.griffiths.1 [at]
% 28th March 2023

%% Prepare Workspace
% define root directory where data is stored
root_dir = '/rds/projects/g/griffibz-example-project/msc-eeg-23/';

% add fieldtrip to path

% define participant number
subj = 1;

%% Filter Raw Data
% load data
cfg         = [];
cfg.dataset = sprintf('%s/bids/sub-%02.0f/eeg/sub-%02.0f_task-eeg-flicker_eeg.eeg', root_dir, subj, subj); % dynamically determine dataset name
data        = ft_preprocessing(cfg);

% remove external and trigger channels
cfg         = []; = {'all', '-EX*', '-Status'}; % select all channels except any external (-EX*) or trigger (-Status) channel
data        = ft_selectdata(cfg, data);

% filter data
cfg             = [];
%cfg.hpfilter    = 'yes';   % apply high-pass filter
%cfg.hpfreq      = 0.8;     % use high-pass to suppress frequencies < 0.8Hz
cfg.lpfilter    = 'yes';   % apply low-pass filter
cfg.lpfreq      = 120;     % use low-pass to suppress frequencies > 120Hz
cfg.bsfilter    = 'yes';   % apply band-pass filter
cfg.bsfreq      = [49 51]; % use band-pass to suppress frequencies netween 49Hz and 51Hz
data            = ft_preprocessing(cfg, data);

%% Epoch Data
% load in BIDS event file
events = readtable(sprintf('%s/bids/sub-%02.0f/eeg/sub-%02.0f_task-eeg-flicker_events.tsv', root_dir, subj, subj),'Filetype','text'); % dynamically determine dataset name

% define Fieldtrip-style event structure
trl_start = -2; % start trial 2 seconds before trigger
trl_end = 4; % end trial 4 seconds after trigger
trl_def(:,1) = events.sample + (trl_start * data.fsample); % define samples to start trial
trl_def(:,2) = events.sample + (trl_end * data.fsample); % define samples to end trial
trl_def(:,3) = trl_start * data.fsample; % define when time = 0 occurs relative to start of trial

% epoch data
cfg = [];
cfg.trl = trl_def;
data = ft_redefinetrial(cfg, data);

% load in trialinfo
load(sprintf('%s/bids/sourcedata/sub-%02.0f_trialinfo.mat', root_dir, subj))
data.trialinfo = trialinfo; % add trialinfo to data structure

% tidy workspace
clear events trl_start trl_end trl_def trialinfo

%% Run ICA
% restrict to retrieval trials
cfg         = [];
cfg.trials  = find(cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x.trl_type, 'retrieval'), data.trialinfo));
data        = ft_selectdata(cfg, data);

% reduce sample rate
cfg = [];
cfg.resamplefs = 256; % drop sample rate from 1024Hz to 256Hz
data = ft_resampledata(cfg, data);

% run ica
rng(subj) % set random seed to ensure reproducible outputs every time the function is run
ica = ft_componentanalysis([], data); % "cfg" need not be defined if using default settings

% visualise first 20 components (commented to stop execution when running via Slurm)
%ft_topoplotIC(struct('component',1:20,'layout','biosemi128.lay'), ica)

% remove components
cfg             = [];
cfg.component   = [1 3]; % 1 = eyeblink, 3 = saccade
data            = ft_rejectcomponent(cfg, ica);

%% Re-reference Data
% re-reference to the average of all channels
cfg = [];
cfg.reref = 'yes';
cfg.refchannel = 'all';
data = ft_preprocessing(cfg, data);

%% Plot Results
% get timelocked average of data
cfg = []; = 'A*'; % restrict to posterior quadrant of channels
tml = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg, data);

% baseline correct timelocked average
cfg = [];
cfg.baseline = [-0.25 -0.05]; % set baseline as -250ms to -50ms
tml = ft_timelockbaseline(cfg, tml);

% plot ERP
h = figure;
subplot(2,1,1); hold on
plot(tml.time, mean(tml.avg))
xlim([-0.5 2.5])
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Amplitude (uV)')
title('Visual Evoked Potential')

% cycle through trials
pow = cell(8, 1); % create empty cells for eight conditions
for trl = 1 : numel(data.trial)
    condition = data.trialinfo{trl}.ret_freq; % determine flicker condition
    channels_A = cellfun(@(x) strncmpi(x, 'A', 1), data.label); % identify posterior channels
    signal = data.trial{trl}(channels_A, :); % extract signal over posterior channels
    pow{condition}(end+1,:) = mean(abs(fft(signal')')); % compute FFT

% determine frequencies of FFT
freqs = linspace(0, data.fsample, size(pow{1},2));

% plot FFT for each condition
subplot(2,1,2); hold on
for condition = 1 : numel(pow)
xlim([6, 42])
ylim([0, 700])
title('Power Spectrum')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power (arb. units)')

% save figure in root directory
saveas(h, sprintf('%s/basic_preproc_output.jpg', root_dir))

Cluster submit script

The following can be saved as a shell script and submitted to the cluster using sbatch.


#SBATCH --ntasks 10
#SBATCH --nodes 1
#SBATCH --time 1:0:0
#SBATCH --qos bbdefault
#SBATCH --mail-type ALL

set -e

module purge; module load bluebear
module load MATLAB/2021b

matlab -nodisplay -r "basic_preprocessing; exit;"